A Letter to My First Born Son












To My Handsome Prince, Davian: 


As I sit here thinking about how to properly wish you a happy birthday, I think about the beginning…I remember being nervous about meeting you. Would I make a good impression? Would you like me? Where would my relationship with your father go, if this moment goes terribly wrong? Was I ready to step up into a parental role should this relationship progress into a forever kind of love like I’ve dreamed? In walking into this fast food restaurant, I saw you sitting with your handsome father…you were so stinking adorable! I remember speaking to you and how shy you were. You played under the counter talking about your dinosaurs. I remember playing with you and tickling you…falling in love with your laugh. After lunch, I remember saying goodbye and asking for a hug…you would not give me one…you were too shy. You blushed and smiled as I pretended to be heartbroken over the rejection. Your dad called me a few minutes later to tell me that you hadn’t stopped talking about me! 


I remember being scared at the thought of being a mother. Could I do this without screwing up? You made it so easy. You have always been a happy kid, full of smiles and an infectious giggle that could warm anyone’s heart. We’ve been through so much. You’ve always had the kind of spirit where nothing keeps you down. You have always had the spirit of a warrior. You’ve always been a fighter. You’ve always worked hard. You’ve been through so much in so little time. In the custody battle to win full custody, the instability you’ve endured…the mental and verbal and physical abuse…you are my hero. I pray that you always remember what you’ve come from, what you’ve been through and how far you’ve come. It has been an honor to watch you grow into the handsome, well rounded young man.

I know in my parenting, I fuss a lot…about getting homework done, about making smart day to day decisions, about chores…but you make me smile. Your hugs and kisses still melt me. I know that you will be fine when the time comes for you to spread your wings and fly. I hope that you will be able to look fondly back on your childhood and know that I’ve given you everything. I’ve given you my time, my love, my money…because I believe in you. You are destined to conquer the world baby. 

I pray that you will learn to set yourself apart and keep people from taking advantage of your soft heart and kind nature. I pray that you will have the ability to listen to people’s actions instead of their words. I hope that God allows me the blessing of continuing to watch you grow, graduate high school, then college, find a beautiful, strong wife, have children of your own and step into your own. I hope that you realize even though I fuss, I love you endlessly…and I see your potential. I see how great you are…how amazing you will be when you finally realize your potential. 

I am proud to be your mother. I am proud to have the opportunity to mold such a great man. I love you my prince Davian…and I’ll love you until the end of my days!

Happy 12th birthday baby!


Love always, 




About Dimpled Sunshine

I'm a wife of a pharaoh and a mother of royalty! I love hard, dance freely and laugh often!
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