

So I’m reading my morning horoscope (yes, I’m a believer…DON’T JUDGE ME! LOL) and it spoke about finding a better way to vent. By nature, I don’t really “talk it out” when I am offended or angered. I generally withdraw until I can deal with that person again. Apparently this is the nature of a cancer (hence the crab…retreating into it’s shell). Lately I’ve been battling internally with some issues from my past that is hard to heal from because the wound is opened on a fairly consistent basis. Talking it out, in my opinion never changes anything. It just rehashes my anger…and to go out of my nature to talk it out only for things not to change or for the issues to still occur as if the conversation has never happened is even more frustrating than the issue itself.

So my question is: Should you continue trying to talk it out if things won’t ever change? Not every circumstance is easy to detach from…family being the hardest relationship of them all. Can you heal if the wound is constantly ripped open? I’m certainly not looking forward to the journey of finding that answer. :-/

*~Dimpled Sunshine~*

About Dimpled Sunshine

I'm a wife of a pharaoh and a mother of royalty! I love hard, dance freely and laugh often!
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